Tenant Sustainability Survey

1 Your Details
1.1 Title
1.2 Forename(s)
1.3 Surname
1.4 Date Of Birth
2 Address
2.1 Address Line 1
2.2 Address Line 2
2.3 Town
2.4 County
2.5 Postcode
2.6 Telephone Number
2.7 Mobile Number
3 Computer Experience
3.1 How often do you use a computer
3.1.1 Never, go to question 8
3.1.2 A few times a month or less
3.1.3 Once a week
3.1.4 Every day or two
3.1.5 Several times a day
4 Do you have regular access to a computer
4.1 No, go to question 6
4.2 Yes
5 Where do you access a computer
5.1 Home
5.2 Work
5.3 Home and work
5.4 Library
5.5 Community Centre
5.6 Other Please specify
6 How do you rate your computer skills
6.1 Very Poor
6.2 Poor
6.3 Fair
6.4 Good
6.5 Very Good
7 With help could you improve your computer skills
7.1 No
7.2 Yes
7.3 Unsure
8 How often do you use the internet
8.1 Never used it, go to question 12
8.2 A few times a month or less
8.3 Once a week
8.4 Every day or two
8.5 Several times a day
9 How often do you use the internet to shop
9.1 Not at all
9.2 Very little
9.3 Some
9.4 Fair amount
9.5 A lot
10 How often do you use the internet to pay bills
10.1 Not at all
10.2 Very little
10.3 Some
10.4 Fair amount
10.5 A lot
11 How often do you use the internet to get health information
11.1 Not at all
11.2 Very little
11.3 Some
11.4 Fair amount
11.5 A lot
12 How often do you use e-mail
12.1 Never used it, go to question 12
12.2 A few times a month or less
12.3 Once a week
12.4 Every day or two
12.5 Several times a day
13 How do you rate your e-mail skills
13.1 Very Poor
13.2 Poor
13.3 Fair
13.4 Good
13.5 Very Good
14 Please put a tick against any courses you may be interested in
14.1 Basic IT training
14.2 Digital story telling
14.3 Getting the most from your mobile phone
14.4 Skype
14.5 Introduction to social networking
14.6 Digital photography and GIMP
14.7 Beginners guide to the internet
14.8 Beginners guide to networking
14.9 Setting up an email account
14.10 Using Ebay
14.11 Internet Saftey
14.12 Website development
14.13 Database creation
14.14 Introduction yo spreadsheets
14.15 Introduction to presenetation packages (e.g. Powerpoint)
14.16 Audio / Photos using photostory

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